Joseph White Mental Health Counselor Virginia NPI Profile

Joseph White Mental Health Counselor Virginia NPI Profile Mental health is an essential aspect of overall well-being, and professionals like Joseph White play a crucial role in providing care to those in need. Based in Mechanicsville, Virginia, Joseph White is a licensed mental health counselor with extensive experience and qualifications. This article provides an overview of his professional background, services, and his NPI (National Provider Identifier) profile, which is a key credential for healthcare providers.

Professional Overview

Joseph White operates as a sole proprietor, providing mental health services at his practice located at 8104 Elm Drive, Suite A, Mechanicsville, VA. His practice is dedicated to helping individuals address mental health challenges through counseling and therapeutic interventions. With a taxonomy code of 101YM0800X, his specialty is officially recognized as mental health counseling.

His practice’s NPI number is 1982195012, which uniquely identifies him as a healthcare provider in the United States. The NPI number is an essential credential for billing, insurance, and ensuring patient trust. Joseph White Mental Health Counselor Virginia NPI number has been active since May 24, 2018, and his last update was recorded on November 5, 2020.

Practice Details

Below are the key details of Joseph White’s practice:

Full NameJoseph White
Practice Address8104 Elm Dr Ste A, Mechanicsville, VA 23111-1106
Phone Number804-585-6016
SpecialtyMental Health Counseling
NPI Number1982195012
Taxonomy Code101YM0800X
License Number (VA)3241
Sole ProprietorYes
Last Updated11/05/2020

Specialty and Taxonomy Code

The taxonomy code associated with Joseph White is 101YM0800X, which classifies him as a mental health counselor. Mental health counseling involves helping individuals cope with issues like anxiety, depression, trauma, and other psychological challenges. By utilizing therapeutic techniques, Joseph White Mental Health Counselor Virginia NPI works with clients to improve their emotional and psychological well-being.

Location and Contact Information

If you are looking for mental health services in Mechanicsville, Virginia, Joseph White can be reached at:

  • Address: 8104 Elm Dr Ste A, Mechanicsville, VA 23111-1106
  • Phone: 804-585-6016

Patients interested in his services can contact him directly for appointments or consultations.

Importance of the NPI Number

The NPI number is an essential part of any healthcare provider’s professional credentials. It ensures that providers like Joseph White can be easily identified in the healthcare system for billing, insurance, and other administrative purposes. Joseph White Mental Health Counselor Virginia NPI number is 1982195012, which confirms his eligibility to offer mental health services in Virginia.


In conclusion, Joseph White is a dedicated mental health counselor in Virginia, providing essential services to those in need. Joseph White Mental Health Counselor Virginia NPI number, credentials, and experience make him a reliable professional in the field of mental health counseling. Whether you’re seeking therapy for personal issues or need support through life’s challenges, Joseph White offers a compassionate approach to mental health care.


1. What services does Joseph White offer as a mental health counselor?
Joseph White specializes in mental health counseling, helping clients address emotional and psychological issues such as depression, anxiety, and trauma through therapeutic interventions.

2. Where is Joseph White’s practice located?
His practice is located at 8104 Elm Dr Ste A, Mechanicsville, VA 23111-1106, and he can be contacted at 804-585-6016.

3. What is Joseph White Mental Health Counselor Virginia NPI number?
Joseph White Mental Health Counselor Virginia NPI number is 1982195012, which is a unique identifier for healthcare providers in the United States.

4. When did Joseph White receive his NPI number?
Joseph White received his NPI number on May 24, 2018, and the last update to his profile was made on November 5, 2020.

5. Is Joseph White affiliated with any hospitals?
No, according to his NPI profile, Joseph White is not affiliated with any hospitals.

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